The Lime Tree - The Best Gift of Nature

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
My Lime Tree. Yes, I would like to tell you about this. The lime tree is the most common and is the best citrus fruit found in abundance in the region I live. It makes a very refreshing drink and adds that tangy taste to our culinary. My lime tree provides me fruit all round the year.

The cycle that begins with blooming and ends with fully grown and ripe fruits is of a period of six to nine months. I have noticed the tree blooming white flowers mostly during the summer that is, in the months between March and June. The Tree does not bloom nor bear fruit between December to February due to the chilly weather.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home GardenHome Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
Lime trees grown from seeds may take up to eight years to bear fruit. This lime tree has taken almost 6 years to grow and yield fruits. It is a bushy shrub and the stalks carry a lot of thorns. It spreads its branches in all directions taking up a lot of space around it. My lime trees, spread in a diameter of three meters.  Seasonal pruning could be a good option so as to strengthen the main stem and the long branches. The Best time to prune is in the winters when fruits are scarce.

The Lime Tree requires a lot of water and sunlight.  Nevertheless, never opt for drip irrigation as lime trees hate wet feet and they tend to die in an environment of water puddling around its roots. Sunlight is also of great importance for the nourishment of the tree along with a regular supply of organic compost since these trees need plenty of food. "My Lime Tree" is a thriving specimen of nature in my garden.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
So if your lime tree has not given you a good crop, don't worry! It naturally takes around 6 years. Till then, you supplement it and care for it with tenderness ample water and organic manure. The blooming will excite you and the yield of fruit, Joy!

During the summers I water the tree by spraying the water over the top of the leaves like as though it is raining without forgetting to provide water at the foot of the stem so that the water seeps in through the soil to the roots. The absorption of water by the roots is known as reverse osmosis. Whereby the water within the soil is drawn into the roots due to the variation of pneumatic and hydrostatic pressure between the wet soil and the interior of the root. When well watered, the leaves glisten and look fresh. When water is gently sprayed on the tree it cleans the leaves and branches off cobwebs and dust thus rendering a healthy growth of the lime bush.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
The tree has a sturdy and thick stem with strong branches to hold up the heavy yield of fruit up. Yes, collectively the yield could weigh quite a bit and hence the tree needs to be strong enough. Initially, when raw, the fruit is hard and green. Once the lime is ripe, it turns bright yellow in color and it hangs onto the tree until the node that holds the fruit becomes weak sending the fruit into a free fall to the ground beneath.. Remember to clear the soil beneath the branches of all stones so that the fruit will not get damaged it falls down on ripening. You may also pick a half ripe greenish yellow lime from the tree for consumption from time to time.

We add organic manure after every two months. It does make a difference and increases the productivity of the tree. This tree is more than 10 years old now. Different species of birds have been spotted hanging around the tree. The tree is strong and sturdy, I have seen my pet cats and dogs resting under the shade provided by this lime tree during hot summers.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
We have our quota of limes all year long. We use the fruit in our cooking, in a refreshing drink and even in natural therapy medication To check out some of my cooking recipes where I have used limes click here. The Lime as a whole is an important citrus fruit. It is a rich source of vitamin C. The Lime is a very soothing agent when one feels tired and a stabilizing agent when a person feels nauseous. Though the citric acid present in lime would by itself be acidic in nature. When consumed it has an "Alkaline effect" in the body. A fresh lime juice will provide an instant relief for those who are tired and sweaty. For those suffering from acidity issues and heartburn, a lime juice is way leading to comfort.  The Lime tree leaves also have the sweet-tangy fragrance just as its fruits.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home GardenLime juice in warm water and a dash of honey works wonders. This needs to be consumed early in the morning to improve the metabolism and reduce the acidity in the system. I must tell you from my personal experience this works well as it balances the pH of the body leading to a healthier life. A higher acidic system leads to the formation of tumors and cancer. Lime juice can also be used to maintain personal hygiene. A piece of lime can be used a natural soap to wash hands and leaves the skin soft and smooth. A lime peel can be also be used for facial exfoliation giving the skin a special glow. The lime peels can be scrapped and this rind or zest can be used as a flavoring in baking cakes and to prepare other deserts. Every bit of this fruit has its usefulness.

Home Grooves - Lime Tree, Home Garden
Lime Juice, is the best cooling drink in a hot and humid summer day. This is most sought after juice during the summers; cheap and easily available in India.

How to make a Lime Juice or a Lime Soda:

  • Squeeze a Lime using a Squeezer into a Glass. Make sure the seeds do not fall into the glass.
  • Add 2 Teaspoons of Honey or Sugar and a pinch of Salt.
  • Add chilled water or carbonated water.
  • A few cubes of Ice can be added as per choice.
  • Stir well and Drink Chilled. Sugar or Honey can be adjusted based on taste.
