
Showing posts with the label Glass

Simple Homemade Advent Wreath

This is a simple advent wreath made with a simple glass plate and four glass candles. The holly leaves along with the red cherries and cone pines are from another decor I got. So I used them to make this advent wreath. In the middle of the four candles I have added a clay pot to make the wreath more decorative.

Multidotted Bottle

This is just another bottle painting. Very simple, just dip your brush tip into the colour bottle and add to the bottle at Random locations to form dots. Continue until the entire bottle has been covered. I used primary colours red, green, blue and yellow. The top half of the bottle is painted directly with mixes of pink, green and yellow.

Christmas Gifts Glass Painting

Christmas Gifts Glass Painting, just an extra addition to my collection of glass paintings. My love of glass paintings needs to go on further :)

Bells and Balls Christmas Glass Painting

Some Balls, Bells and Candles painted on a glass just to bring out the joy in this festive season.

Branched Tree Glass Bottle Painting

As you see this bottle has a narrow neck and a broad bottom. I have drawn an outline of a tree with branches using a black glass outliner. Then I have added different coloured dots to depict flowers and fruits. I have smeared colors of yellow and orange all over the bottle with a brush to have the the colors of t sun's rays. I have let the outline and the dots dry first before smearing the colors the onto the background of d bottle. On the other side of the bottle I have outlined a flower with four small butterflies. This is my idea of this bottle....

Christmas Green Bottle Painting

A Green bottle.... I could only imagine a Christmas tree. So here I go... A Long green bottle and ceramic colors of black, white, red and blue is what I used. I made the Christmas tree outlines with colors white and black. The inner and outer fillings are with red, blue, white, black etc. The stars and Christmas balls are added to fill the tree. With Christmas on the way this was the best I could think to get my green bottle painted.

Unused Wine Glass as a Vase

I just happened to find old Wine Glasses lying unused in the cupboard. So I thought why not use them as decorative vases with flowers. As these glasses already had a design on it, I dint find it necessary to do anything more on it. I thought to leave it to its original self. So I added some water into it, picked some flowers from the garden and there you go   ................... A Beautiful Flower Vase is ready. Do Check Out if you have anything like this. Go on ....  Lets do it........